
Traditionally a skill practiced for hunting and fighting your enemies, today archery is more of a recreational activity than a symbol of battle or war.. The Oak Tree Gun Club has a newly expanded venue with a large selection of bows to rent, including both recurve and compound bows,

With some sources dating archery back an impressive 65,000 years, the bow and arrow form of the sport we are familiar with today dates back to ancient Egyptian times. Little about the sport itself has changed since antiquity, only now arrows are seldom laced with poison and fired from horseback.

Though only considered a national sport of one country in the entire world, Bhutan, archery has developed into a popular recreational activity across the globe. It’s popularity may be down to its seemingly endless health benefits. While it might not be the most strenuous of sports, you will burn more calories than you think. As well as this, archery is also great for developing your mental control and level of focus, in addition to improving your coordination, self confidence and patience. Archery can also be very calming as you focus more on your breathing than you ordinarily would.

We got the chance to try out the new course complete with bullseye and 3 dimensional targets throughout the mountainside. Private lessons with the bow technician gave our shooters the best chance to hone in on their skills and aim, with some even discovering their natural ability as archers! Don’t you just love when you try something new and can completely smash it?

No party is complete without decorations and party favors. Bow and arrow sets from Etsy’s BackwoodToys along with Mack&Jane custom bullseye cookies were given to each participant.


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