Rock On: Canyoneer & Climb


A client turned friend approached me as he was heading into his next year of life. He wanted a thrill seeking adventure fueled activity that would be fun, challenging and local enough for his friends to join him. I partnered with SoCal Adventure Company to send him and his buddies canyoneering through the San Gabriel mountains. 

With a guided hike and a repelling tour, canyoneering is the perfect way to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. The SoCal Adventure team offers rappelling and waterfall exploration or swimming pools at the base of steep canyon walls - the perfect place to cool off.

So, if you have never canyoneered before, it is essentially traveling around canyons using a number of different techniques. The day can also include a number of different outdoor activities such as scrambling, jumping, abseiling and hiking.

Before you begin your voyage to the centre of the Earth, you will be fully briefed by a safety expert on everything that the day holds in store for you. Whether you are walking backwards off a cliff top, paddling through cascading canyon rapids or trying to get your head around all of the ropes for a repel down the canyonside, your safety is always paramount and qualified instructors will never be too far away if you have any queries. 

One word of warning with canyoneering though; you will run the risk of getting aches in muscles you didn’t even know you had!


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