Bubble Soccer

Fun brings people together, and bubble soccer will leave you in stitches from all the laughter. Whether you think taking to the field would be a good idea with your colleagues in a tantalizing team building exercise with a twist, or know an eligible bachelor that would enjoy a kick about with a difference, Bubble Soccer is definitely a different way to spend an afternoon.

We partnered with Stratus Bubble Soccer for a game of human bumper cars. Suited and booted in an inflatable plastic bubble for a soccer game of 12 vs 12, the experience included a game of ‘Last Man Standing’ ‘Sumo King’, ‘Ball Bowling’ and ‘Capture the Flag’. 

At the start of each game, players walk by players of the opposing team and instead of greeting one another with a hand shake, players gently bump one another with their bubbles. From there, hilarity is guaranteed to ensue. 

One of the most important things to note in bubble soccer is that unlike generic soccer, your main focus does not need to be on the ball. Instead, it is best to focus on your opponents otherwise you may find yourself being bounced onto the next pitch.

Once you take to the field, be sure to remember to fall into/onto your bubble. Your natural response will be to fall to your knees, but falling onto your suit will help you to bounce right back up, minimizing time spent fumbling on the ground, trying to get back to your feet. 

If you give bubble soccer a try and think that you just can’t wait to be back, there are home versions of the game available Wayfair.


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