Fury Room: Total Destruction


Have you ever been in one of those moods where you have simply wanted to punch everyone you have spoken to that day, for one reason or another? Or maybe, you have some bottled up emotion or frustrations that you would like to find a release for? 

Rage Rooms, Fury Rooms and Smash Rooms are becoming increasingly popular as they continue to attract people looking to vent their anger by destroying objects within the room. 

It’s surprisingly satisfying. You pick up your weapon of choice and smash at everything in sight until there is nothing left. 

This group got a first look at Chicago’s Fury Room , with kitchen replicas and living room sets for that additional homely vibe. Complete with furnishings such as television screens, printers and even dinnerware, in a Fury Room you can hurl a plate across the room without needing to worry about tidying it up later. You can smash your printer without being concerned that you will need it next week. You can take a sledgehammer to a computer because, well, who hasn't wanted to do THAT at some point?

The party favors were tailored around construction tools and equipment.

Tool Set Sugar Cookies - Sprinkled By Steph

Construction Boxes - Amazon

Keychain Measure Tape - Amazon

Multi-Tool - Home Depot

Mini Screwdriver Set - Ebay


Saved by the Max


Zion; A National Park Escape